Important Piece of the Puzzle

For many Americans, unexpected medical costs arising from a serious illness or injury can severely strain a family’s household budget. But families with supplemental benefit coverage can protect their financial wellbeing against expensive unexpected medical events. Supplemental benefits are an important piece of the insurance puzzle for protecting household budgets.
People covered by supplemental benefits are overwhelmingly satisfied with their experience. They gain peace of mind from knowing that their finances are protected should they suffer a serious health event.
ACLI member companies receive hundreds of unsolicited testimonials from customers who are grateful for their coverage. This month we are highlighting three testimonials from people who benefitted from supplemental benefits.
We all know how important it is to be comfortable with our doctors. Anne Harney of Chicago was able to see her plastic surgeon who was out of network due to the supplemental benefits she received upon her diagnosis of breast cancer. Anne was also able to purchase her preferred wig and obtain chiropractic treatment that were both out of network. Without her supplemental coverage, Anne would not have been able to afford these comforts.
Rowie Keally of Chicago talks about planning for the unplanned. Most people don’t budget for hospital stays or accidents, so Rowie describes how supplemental benefits help complete the insurance puzzle to protect against the unexpected. Rowie encourages her friends to enroll in supplemental benefits coverage to “have that comfort, that security just in case something happens.”
Unexpected health events can bring about all types of unexpected costs. Renner Hall of Breckenridge, Colo. was recovering from a liver transplant preparing to return home when he learned that his apartment had flooded and was uninhabitable. Renner’s parents had flown out to help care for him and had planned on staying with him. All of a sudden, Renner had to secure lodging for himself and his parents in a major ski town in February. Due to his supplemental coverage, Renner was able to pay for lodging without having to dip into his savings. This offered him peace of mind as he continued his road to recovery.
A misguided proposal from the Biden Administration would take many of these valuable benefits away from people like Anne, Rowie, and Renner. ACLI is working to ensure that the Administration understands the unintended consequences of its proposal and changes course to protect supplemental coverage for Americans who rely on it.